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-Last Updated 1/31/06 -

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Contact: Chris


Welcome to the U2 Patch Archive!

The purpose of this database, is for members of the U2 Recording and U2 Sound groups to document the musical equipment and individual settings used to emulate the sounds and tones of U2 and The Edge. This information is in no way 100% accurate. The member setups documented here represent a snap shot in time, and may change at any time. Member's sound clips for each song have been provided (when available). For any questions or comments please use the standard Yahoo group posting method.

Thank you,
(U2 Patch Archive webmaster)

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Take the demo tour:

Korg A3 demo Song list demo Equipment chain demo

Disclaimer: You agree to the terms and conditions of the U2 Recording Yahoo Group. The information presented here for private use only! U2 or their management does not endorse the ideas presented here. All information regarding musical equipment settings and parameters and other equipment presented here is at best a close approximation of the sounds of U2 and The Edge. Use this information at your own risk.